Thursday, January 6, 2011

Another Year Bites the Dust

Since my last two entries were semi holiday-themed, I'll keep with it and make this entry slightly New Year themed. No resolutions here, don't worry (I just realized it's easier not to make em, and just say whatever you accomplish in the new year was one...everybody wins!)- just a list of highlights/accomplishment from the 0-10, and perhaps a few vague ideas of what I think might be awesome to do in 0-11.

*DISCLAIMER: these will most likely all be comedy related, as it was a good year for that. Also, these are in no particular order.*

1) My 1st plane ride alone. With a 10 hour lay-over on the way there. This ended up turning into a solo food tour of all airports I stopped at, and I have a feeling this will be my tradition with myself from here on out.

2) The birth of LHM. Birthplace: a Starbucks. In a whole less than a year, we've done 3 Sketch Up's, one original show, and two hosting gigs! With all else going on, the amount of stuff we did sometimes felt like a miracle in itself, haha, but we pulled it off, and I'm super proud of us! Ain't no stoppin' us now, 2011!!

3) IMPROV! This will be the general one, but HOLY CRAP! I graduated Level 3, saw way more shows than I did in all of the other years combined (including locking myself in for Duofest, seeing Poehler herself do ASSSSCAT, Let's Have A Ball, Adsit & Gausas, Messing with a Friend, etc., etc.), and for the 1st time, got to perform regularly, which has taught me so much.

4) KING FRIDAY!!! Seriously you's guys, this has been so freaking awesome. I couldn't ever ask for a better group of people to play with, and every performance/rehearsal/hang out session makes me do a reverse Grinch- this is where my heart grows 75 sizes too big. I can't begin to imagine how many calories I burn from laughing when around these guys.

5) Being a part of the Improvised Soap Opera in Fringe- this was so much fun, so silly, and my 1st venture into stylized improv. I learned so much from these guys, and had fun jumping into challenges the soap provided, like improvising with music and props and commercial breaks. What a great group and a awesomely fun time!

6) Jam Sessions. Whether it's with friends recording silly YouTube vids, or with my CHYX!!!, sitting around and jamming has become a big part of my life this year, and because of these sessions, I'm getting better at my instruments. These make me so happy, and are so much fun. To music and all of the people I get to play it with! Cheers!

7) Reunions! I had a lot of these this year, which means it was an extra awesome one. I got to see my cousin and good friend Gabe in LA, lots of college friends who always make my day, sleepovers in Brooklyn, U/RTA's dinner with the current class (which included lots of people I love in it, and seeing Donna Snow always makes my heart swell up), and a surprise Spring Garden reunion!!

8) Also improv related, but doing DCM12 with King Friday this year was one of those "HOLY CRAP!" moments. I saw my 1st show at UCB when I Was 17, and to be performing on that stage with that group of people, to a packed house two hours before the original UCBers performed- that's a dream come true, right there. I will never forget that moment. Or warming up right in front of the Hot Chicks Room door.

9) I have another nephew!! That's pretty rad, and will keep being rad forever.

10) This was most recent so I'll make it 10, but taking my Mom to see her 1st Broadway show. I had always wanted to, and we got a great cast for her 1st show on Broadway. This was also her 1st time walking around NYC, so I got to be her tour guide. It was a lot of fun showing my mom one of my favorite places. Definitely a highlight.

There were a lot of other great moments this year too. It was one of those years. Lots of great people were involved in my great moments, which is what made those moments great. I feel like I should cue a ballad right now. Which I will also take as my cue to stop writing.

In conclusion, I hope 2011 is kind of as great as 2010. Heck, I'll even take 1/5 as great, cause really, that would still be a pretty epic year. I think it will be. Got some stuff coming up- my 1st ever musical improv class, and another trip to LA- that will probably be highlights next year. No complaints here. Peace out, 2010. What up, 2011! Also, please don't suck.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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