Thursday, August 11, 2011

What is this blog?

I didn't know exactly what to blog about when I decided to start a blog, but I figured I should start one. After all, what would happen if I didn't keep my NY Resolution to start a blog?!?! Oh, the same exact thing that happens when I never stick to any resolutions I make? Alright, well disregard the whole 1st paragraph then!

It seems that the main topics of this blog have been equal parts comedy and vacations. Sometimes they are one and the same, but at this time in my life, those are the biggest parts of it. Maybe if I wrote this a few years back it would be about Production Practicum at Temple, and maybe in a few years it will turn into my performing folk songs at a restaurant that only serves breakfast and lunch (one can dream, AMIRIGHT?) But if you continue to read this blog at this point in time, it will be about comedy comedy comedy. I am not apologizing. Just lettin' ya know. I only know how to crochet scarves, so it seems comedy is the only topic I can continuously write about and have lots of different things to say.

Tomorrow for the second year in a row, I head to DCM in NYC with King Friday. I have been with those guys for over a year now, and in that time it has always been the best of times. If I WERE performing folk songs at a coffee shop, my set would have at least 10 love songs written to/about KF. Truth. And if you happen to be in NYC on Saturday at around 1PM, head over to the Hudson Guild Stage and check us oot!

Since I've done this once before now, I now know that you shouldn't really have goals for the weekend, but just go where the festival takes you. Last year I saw many a grown man in depends, watched a show while standing next to Doug Benson, warmed up outside of the Hot Chicks Room, and wandered the streets of NYC with Chris Gethard at 1 in the morning. This year, I hope the wind throws more gems my way. I also do have a single goal for DCM- and that is to marry Donald Glover. I know is goal isn't well thought out, as I will be there for a whole 3 days, but I'm sticking with it. Wish me luck, yous guys. BOOM.

And in one last comedy related note before I end this post, LOCAL HOLIDAY MIRACLE RIDES AGAIN! And by rides again, I mean we did a show, and have been writing the whole time we didn't have shows, so we plan on doing more shows! Once this festival stuff is over, I'm gonna submit us to Philly Sketchfest. It was lovely to grace the stage with the Ku again, and we had lots of fun. The hugest thanks to ALL who helped us out on this show, and all the lovely people in the audience. We'll be back.

Alright, that is it for now. Hope you all have a lovely weekend, and I will eat 5 slices of pizza for everyone who reads this blog at some point this weekend. I am confident in this promise.